セット内容:合皮 quilted jumpsuit w/ zippers on back and crotch100% ポリエステル inner robe and outer cape, small metal claw hooks attach cape to armor合皮 gloves w/ attached gauntletsInjection molded 胸囲/shoulder armor, adjustable back strap w/ plastic clipInjection mold 胸囲 armor w/ red and green LED lightsInjection mold codpieceInjection mold shin guardsInjection mold replica mask and helmet setAll injection mold armor pieces made from ABS material cast from original Lucas Studio molds合皮 belt with 2 light up boxes, adjustable back strap w/ plastic clipBreathing module that makes movie breathing soundFull color display box for mask and helmetElectronic components require 8 AA batteries (含まれていません)公式ライセンス商品Assembly instructions includedPL:胸囲 - 147cm胴 - 104cm丈 - 175cmAUTHENTIC DARTH VADER コスプレ コスチューム 大人用 男性用 衣装 ドレス ワンピース 仮装 衣装 忘年会 パーティ 学園祭 文化祭 学祭